Breakfast for LUNCH - Kids edition
Breakfast for LUNCH!
I don’t know about your kids, but breakfast is by far my littles favorite meal. Usually because there isn’t a veggie in sight!
One exhausted morning (a real humdinger after one 2AM nightmare was paired with another 4AM call of nature) I was at a loss. Sometimes the simple task of packing school lunches can be torture. Scratch that…packing a nutritious, well balanced, lunch they will EAT…that’s the torturous part. So I popped open the freezer, looking for inspiration. And there they were. Calling out at me - some frozen almond butter pancakes. One of the few things my kids will eat without complaint.
What’s even better about these pancakes? They are 4 ingredients. You heard me. FOUR. Easily made in large batches and freeze like a dream. And thanks to the Civilized Caveman, I always have them on hand.
3 bananas
3 eggs
1/2 cup nut butter
2 tsp cinnamon
That’s it. Mix together and make you some damn good pancakes that the kids will devour.
Once I received a resounding “YES” to breakfast for lunch, I paired the pancakes with locally sourced chicken sausage, grapes and bell peppers. I love it when a theme comes together!