Food-on-the-go! We had an insanely busy evening, so I spent 5 minutes pre-planning our dinners and it worked out great!
No matter the time crunch, I choose to prioritize our nutrition above almost all.
I could’ve spent 5 more minutes sitting on my ass, scrolling IG, even folding a bit more laundry (because it’s NEVER DONE). The list of excuses is endless.
Instead, I threw together some food for all of us, and the kids had a BLAST eating it in the car - it really doesn’t take much to get these little ones excited!
Grabbing some quick food out during a busy time can be easy and take no effort or thought. And it definitely has its place!
But my challenge to you - if going the easy route and eating out every week (or day) is your jam, try replacing ONE meal you’d typically buy out with one you’ve prepared yourself. One nutritious meal that you can rely on to provide you with a plethora of vitamins and minerals...because why not??