The Ultimate Supplements!

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It’s very easy to get sucked into the latest miracle supplement. The multivitamin to rival all multivitamins! That new fad vitamin that is all over every health magazine on the shelf!

But before spending hundreds of dollars on the latest supplement being marketed by your favorite elite athletes, try supplementing your overall diet with something even better...REAL FOOD.

It may sound overly simplistic, but you know what real, whole, unprocessed foods are full of? Vitamins! Free ones!

Truth: you can’t supplement away a bad diet. Do supplements have their place? Absolutely. But is it realistic to think that simply adding a supplement into a diet riddled with highly processed junk will make a difference? No.

Try eating a variety of colorful veggies at EVERY MEAL. Include organic and grass fed meats when possible. Always organic farm fresh eggs. Nuts and seeds. Fruit. Sprinkle in foods that work for YOU. Everything in moderation.

If you do that - the odds of having solid levels of the vitamins you’re trying to supplement, are high.

There are some vitamins our bodies has a hard time absorbing (or producing), but for the most part, a healthy and varied diet is all you need to get the vitamins required to feel energetic, healthy and balanced. Worth a try, don’t you think??